Thursday, 30 January 2014

Sebastian Faulks: A Week in December

This one started off showing great promise; the author had exuded an authority bordering on arrogance and after the past few volumes coming out of the bookclub this one seemed  more on the money.

Sadly, it did not work out that way. The format of the book tried to followed half-a-dozen or so characters but for me the characterisation was a tad shallow with a couple of factual inaccuracies. For me, any doubts about the veracity of story can just kill a piece - mostly because I immediately lose confidence in the author and everything becomes suspect. On top of this, the episodic nature of the story tended to be over-worked and too long. Barely a quarter-way through the novel and I was getting bored; I started skipping huge chunks hoping for something interesting to happen.

While some of the characters did make a good impression, their back-stories tended to be superficial, sometimes seeming contrived and not at all linked together in any way - certainly not in the plot of the book. Round about half-way through I just gave up and couldn't be bothered anymore. Perhaps the story did come together in the end but I don't think it was worth it even for those in the club that persevered to the bitter end.

♥ ♥

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Les Poupées russes (The Russian Dolls)

A sequel to Pot Luck, fives year after the group first meet in Barcelona, they reassemble for a wedding in St. Petersberg. Perhaps trying to touch on more subtle, mature topics it struggles with considerable implausibility to get where it is going. Still full of beautiful people and excellent characterisation especially in Paris. But I suspect I am too old to really get this one or maybe there only seems to be something to get if you are of an age.

♥ ♥ ♥