If you do get a chance to see this, take it - but go prepared ... check out the Wikipedia review for some context perhaps. It is a very gentle and subtle film about the transition we will all make.
The film's story arose from a 1983 book written by a Buddhist abbot about a local (to Isan, Thailand) man who claimed he could clearly remember his own past lives. Director Apichatpong Weerasethakul uses the book as inspiration for the film's sensibility often featuring content in scenes or episodes as the eponymous Uncle Boonmee approaches his own death. Shot mostly on location in Isan, close to the border with Laos and scene of considerable violence in the late 20th century.
This is the superficial story-line and the film gently allows Boonmee to die after recalling his past, often in quite surreal episodes. The film's objective might be to examine this strange transition between life and death - this is articulated quite clearly in dialogue - but there are depths and chasm's waiting for the unwary. Some of this subtlety is lost to non-Thai audiences as references to old Thai TV shows misses us completely - such as the caricatured monkey ghosts whose shining red eyes apparently revealed TV monsters hidden to disguise the poor costumes. Other allusions might pass you by altogether too but there are plenty of clues remaining to point you in the right direction. But one or two remain stubbornly opaque, such as the .. um .. catfish - perhaps only understood by the real Boonmee.
Another layer to add yet more complexity, are the various technical tricks with sound editing, filming styles and even the film medium itself directly enhancing the whole experience. Multiple viewing will definitely be rewarded until this film becomes part of your own past life.
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