Monday, 26 April 2010

Yasunari Kawabata: the Master of Go

I decided to learn how to play Go a while back. 'course the first thing we should do is:
  1. go online to Amazon
  2. search for a training manual
  3. buy, read and digest
During the process I came across this book; on the back it quotes "One of modern literature's greatest, most poignant elegies". Who could ignore that? So it got added to my shopping cart along with the "Learning Go" book.

But something must have been lost in translation with this book or am I just not getting it.

It is very easy to read being pretty close to journalese. The story is attractive and engaging; the characters too. And of course there is an indeterminate depth echoed by the Go match we are following. But sadly it did not work for me.
♥ ♥ ♥
The Master of Go 

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Asimov's Science Fiction

One of the beauties of having a Kindle is being able to subscribe to magazine subscriptions and get them delivered effortlessly over the Interweb.

When I discovered the available subscriptions I immediately signed up this one and it has never disappointed yet. Regularly includes novellas as well as short-stories and even the odd article by luminaries such as Sturgeon.

Of course, it helps if you are a science fiction fan  and an old school one to boot; the style of the stories are mainstream SF just as Isaac would have written himself. No sword wielding nor magick, just plain ole SF spaceships and aliens.

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